Thursday, May 7, 2015

Why yes, I do more than "workout" all day!

It is so funny when I get messages like, "Wow, you garden too, I thought you were just into fitness?"  Well actually I am a mom, I cook, I clean, I garden, I take care of many animals, and yes I do my workout daily.  My workout is less than 4% of my day (30 minutes a day) but my nutrition is 24 hour of my day.....that battle is real.  So I plant a garden every year so I can just walk outside and pick my veggies without the worry of GMO's or pesticides.  It doesn't take much space or time, just use a planter box any size for whatever space you have, water daily, and reap the rewards.  It is a great family activity that pays you back with amazing food and wealth that you have grown your own food. It teaches our children about hard work and how things grow, it is truly a simple way to give back and teach the next generation about clean eating and the benefits of farming home grown food. Try it, you won't regret it no matter how small or what you grow.


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