Thursday, March 12, 2015

Leaving A Legacy

Well I think my son gets the point, I workout almost daily.  He gets to take pictures and be in them when he "feels" like it!  But most important is the fact that he knows it's a daily routine and part of our lives.  He is a very active kid, helps around the farm without being asked.  He "loves doing yard work', his words.  He really enjoys helping his grandparents do things here as well, weeding, trimming, planting, and even poop patrol.  It is very important to teach your children to "help" you and others thus instilling in them a work ethic and respect for the things that they have. 

Too many kids these days feel entitled to things and do not want to or do not think they have to work for them.  My child will never be that kid!  He has chores at 4 years old and he understands it's a team effort.  I am not saying he loves doing them all the time but most days he is amazing at helping out.  Most of you who know us know he loves anything garbage, he even takes ours up our steep driveway and pulls them down. Most days he even wants to bring down the neighbors......UGH! 

My point is have your kids get involved in your workouts/fitness, teach them to be healthy and active, and give them daily chores (even if it takes twice as long to get them done), it will make the world a better place for us to leave behind!


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