Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Is age really just a number?

"Is Age Really Just A Number"?

In my humble opinion yes but lately I must say I am questioning my own thoughts!  I recently had a hip injury of unknown origin and of course self diagnosed as bursitis, makes most sense.  I really wanted to get a walker and call it a day but I am only 42 (43 February 20th but I am 42!) and can not let that tennis ball conversation start at this juncture, you know the one we will all have in the Internal Medicine doctors office with the other folks of age regarding what balls slide best?  I was very discouraged when I couldn't do my daily workouts and even Pilates and Yoga were just too much! What is one to do when these things start happening? I am an older mom and there is no way I can sit around and do nothing. I tried various yoga poses and wow did that make me feel older and way less limber than I thought.  I completely thought a back-bend was doable, well let me tell you, after one attempt my back and hamstring were screaming louder than my hip!  I guess my point is if we stay set in our ways of one particular exercise régime we may be neglecting some important body functions, such as hip/joint mobility and our ability to do the things we did as twelve year olds on the playground, you know back-bends, hand-stands, and cart-wheels.  My final resolution to this mishap is to start stepping outside of my high intensity workouts and incorporate some real Yoga and Pilates into my life, it might actually loosen up more than my muscles, as some mothers of 4 year olds need.

So until next time as I will soon be saying, "Namaste".


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