Thursday, June 18, 2015

Growing your own!

I never get sick of seeing my son pick fresh fruit an veggies right off the vine!  I too love to eat fresh veggies and fruit.  It is amazing how much better it tastes and the satisfaction we get knowing we grew it ourselves.  We could survive off our home grown "food" during the summer if we had to.......but I won't eat my chickens, just their eggs.  We are very blessed to live where we have room to grow our garden and to have and orchard, I thank God every day to be so fortunate. 

A vegetable garden doesn't take that much room, we have a pallet with bell peppers, turnips, and radishes, so if you have a back patio you can grow a garden.  It is also a great experience for the kids, my son gets excited to see everything start to come up and to sit under the apricot tree and just pick and eat.  It's the small things in life that really affect us forever. Take some time out and plant a garden (flower or veggie), it will relieve some stress and bring a lot of joy.


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